Sunday, July 24, 2005

Ohhh, Ahhh, Oh No!

Unbelievably enough I managed to go to the movie theatre two consecutive days in a row. That has not happened in, well, I can not even think in how long.

On Friday we took Baby Girl to see March of the Penguins and I must say that I loved it! The movie tracts the 70 mile migration, yes, 70 miles!!, of the penguins from the ocean to their breeding ground, mating, birth, and eventually the baby’s moving on on their own. There were happy moments, romantic moments (Baby Girl kept saying “What’s going on mommy? “What’s happening?” and I was just thinking to myself, some penguin lovin’), and very, very sad moments. The movie just makes you cheer for those little guys.

The movie completely takes you out of your every day life and makes you remember that there are other things going on in the world.

On Saturday, JR friends wanted to take him to the movies and we ended up seeing The Island. When I saw the preview I liked the story line and thought it would be a good movie to go see, but I was wrong. The whole cloning process was just a small side dish to the massive car chases, people falling from a 70 story building and surviving, and explosions. The movie was too predictable and it left a lot of questions unanswered. It was just not my kind of movie.

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