Monday, December 05, 2005

Day From Hell

The day started off pretty good. I woke up early because Best Buy was delivering my new refrigerator and dishwasher. JR has wanted a new dishwasher for a long time, and since the holidays are upon us I was like, Merry Christmas honey!

Anyway, you might be asking yourself, didn’t she have a refrigerator? And what happened to her old one? Well, yes, I did, JR and I purchase this jewel, piece of crap, refrigerator that has been serviced over 5 times. A couple of weeks ago the darn thing completely stopped making ice, and nobody messes with my ice! So we called in again to get it serviced, we inquired about the non-lemon service agreement and we ended up getting a new fridge…yippie for us!!!

A couple of days later we made our way to Best Buy and got ourselves some new appliances. Ok, this brings me to today.

This morning two guys came and brought me my stuff. They gave me the basic instructions like, do not drink the first 3 gallons of water or use the first tray of ice, ok, got that. So I went on my way. A couple of hours later when I come home and open the fridge I see water all over the place. I am like, what the fu%k?!! I clean it up and call in right away. The lady that answers tells me to close the water valve, ok, I can do that. I tell the lady that I am not putting on with this and that I want to exchange it (I went through too much crap with the other fridge to have this one mess up the first day). She tells me to call the store.

Now, mind you that the people working at Best Buy are no PhDs, but they talk to you like YOU are an idiot. I tell the store guy what is happening. He tells me to take the filter out and gives me directions on how to reinstall it, maybe I am an idiot! I then turn the water valve on, I can do that. He says to go to the water dispenser and run it until the water is running out smoothly. I do this, but notice that two minutes later the water is still sputtering. I open the fridge side door to see if it is leaking and a tidal wave comes out and unto my hardwood floors. The rest of the story, well, you can just imagine how it went.

I am pissed and tired. I am marching into Best Buy tomorrow and getting me all different stuff…well, you all know what they say- lucky in love, unlucky in refrigerators.

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