Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Baseball or Presidential Debate???

Huh, actually not a though choice. I am thinking the third presidential debate will be a repeat of number 1 and 2...Same old record that skips at the same places.

I instead will be watching the first game of the Astros against St. Louis and I am thinking a lot of people will do the same.

As of now, I don't know who will win (ha, ha, double meaning), but I am pulling and cheering for the Astros. As for the presidential race, well, if they had the wives speak I am sure the Bush team will win hands down because every time I see Kerry's wife she seems either drunk, disoriented, or deeply sedated. I say let the women go at it. It would be a lot more interesting. Wasn't there a wives debate a few elections back?? I think it was Dole's wife vs. Hillary. I think.

Anyway, the game starts at 7pm on Fox and the debate will be at 8pm on every other station. Go Astros!!!

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