Thursday, October 07, 2004

Wet Beans in Florida

I am in Chicago today. Well, I was here yesterday and will be here tomorrow, anyway, I went to the local grocery story to buy some water and guess what I found?! Donald Trump has his own brand of water. It is called Trump Ice and the label is cheesy as hell. Why is he going into water anyway? Isn't that market over saturated (no pun intended) ;)

I have decided to create a "Cool Beans!" or "NOT Cool Beans!" section, it is pretty much just like the Jeers and Cheers in the TV Guide, but I decide to come up with my own titles. Ok, the first entry...

Cool Beans! - To the owner of the land right next to the Women's Federal Prison in Alderson, W.V. for charging $750 for parking to news trucks trying to get a glimpse of the arrival of Martha Stewart. I would of done the same thing.

Not Cool Beans! - To Florida voters...See story here. What the hell is going on over there?! They seem like intelligent people to me, but it looks like some of them did not fill out their voter registration cards correctly. Plus, there has been some tampering with some of the ones that were not filled out the right way, huh, it all smells fishy to me. Ok Florida, get it right this time.

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