Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Biting The Hand That Feeds You

The Office Depot and the Kroger (grocery store), as well are other stores down the street from the Astrodome, where the refugees are housed, have had to close their doors for some time due to the fact that people were going in there to steal. Ok, I can understand stealing food and water, but what the hell are they doing with Post-its??

There have been reports of rape at both the Astrodome and in the Superdome. And more than 30 fire arms were confiscated from the refugees when they arrived in Houston.

The reason some of these individuals were not able to leave New Orleans when the evacuation began was because they did not have the means or the way to do so. These are people that EXPECT to be taken care of. My one question is…will these people be bused back?

Do not get me wrong, I am not talking about the handicapped, children, elderly, or sick, I am talking about the strong men and women that are able to break a store window, grab a TV, and then carry it down the street! (I have a hard time carrying my 6 month old for more than a block).

On the other hand, I have to give Kudos to the companies and corporations that are making it easier for individuals affected by the hurricane. Chase Bank is giving their employees a job here in Houston as well as $1500. Apartment complexes are having “free” move-in and limited lease agreements. And area universities are taking in Louisiana students rather quickly.

I have no problem helping people that are willing to help themselves; yesterday I saw a car that had “Thank You Texas” painted on its back window, hey, someone is appreciative.

I do have a problem with helping people that use our stores for practice drills. The ones that do not want to loose their stealing touch for when they are out in the real world, most likely the streets of Houston.

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