Monday, January 19, 2004

Just like every other Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. day I woke up hearing about the two parades that would take place in Houston to commemorate this great man. I just don't understand why the powers that be do not get together and agree in having just one big parade. It seems to me that Dr. Luther would not of wanted two different groups not agreeing on something as trivial as a parade. Anyway, as with any other MLK day I think of how far we, as minorities, have come, but how it was not that long ago that there were different drinking fountains and restrooms. Well, I also think that almost 84 years ago women got the right to vote in this country and how far we still have to go. Yes, this all has a point, stick with me...Later on that day my sister and I decide to go to Sears to look at refrigerators (not just any fridge, she is looking for a steel one) and to our surprise no one asked us if we need help. We start talking about it and I tell her that when John (my husband and a white man) walks into Sears he has no less that 2 people asking him if he needs help, they even shake his hand and call him Sir!!! She gasped and tells me that the same thing happened when G@$!, her ex-fiancee (another white man - name was omitted to spare the innocent), walked into a store. Now, I say, isn't time that stores, start paying more attention to women buyers? We might not make the most money, but we are the ones that make ALL of the decisions when anything is bought. I mean, the items do have to match everything else in the house!!

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