Thursday, September 02, 2004

Kobe Not Going to the Big House

Ok, for all those living under a rock, it was announced yesterday that the rape case against Kobe Bryant has been dropped.

For my taste the whole thing was a bit too dramatic, I mean, Kobe is an asshole that gets any girl that crosses his path just because he is a celebrity. This is not the first time he has cheated on his wife, but was the first time he got caught. On the other side, you have a psycho girl, well, that is what the defense team was saying after they interviewed over 10 of her past lovers, that slept with Kobe because he is a celebrity, cried rape, and now refuses to stand up for herself!...All crap if you ask me. The case had so many wholes in it since it started that I tuned out.

My advise, let it go America, the case was a joke and the fact that the news media thought the announcement last night was important enough to interrupt my regularly scheduled program pisses me off even more.

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