Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Home Again...

Yippie for me...I was able to get out Tijuana a little early. I was supposed to spend the night in san Diego, but decided to come home instead.

Tijuana is such a nice place, the weather rocks, and the beach is awesome. I keep telling J.R. that he needs to come with me one of these days. There is an incredible golf course where I usually stay - Real Del Mar. I am not a golfer at all. J.R. did surprise me one Christmas with Golf Clubs, he is just too funny, I just looked at him and said "where is my real gift?".

I have never played golf, but I have gone to the driving range. I usually suck. One time I even hit a guy! I hit the ball and it bounce back and forth between the dividers until it escaped, it had a mind of its own. Seconds later I heard an "ouch!". I look to my left and see a guy a few spaces down holding his chest. I was so embarrassed! All I could do was apologize...I thought he was going to sue me. Anyway, that was the last time that my hand touched a club. I Just thought you guys should now.

Anyway, back to Tijuana/San Diego...Get this, the price for a gallon of gas is $2.50!! Geez, we think we have it bad.

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