Tuesday, March 09, 2004

What I am not Reading - Part 1

Ok, I am thinking of giving up on my Superstring book. I have been reading it for a while and even though it is extremely interesting it is not holding my attention at the moment. This is the second time around that I have started to read it. I have been back in a theology type mood ever since I read The Da Vinci Code, so physics will have to wait until I get into it again...well, I did buy Get a Grip on Physics, a book that was on sale for $4.98, and Core CSS at BN this afternoon.

I have committed a sin, well, a TiVo sin, if there is such a thing. I actually Tivoed Forever Eden *gasp*. I have never TiVoed a reality show before and I actually feel dirty - blush, but I am actually into that show, I know, I know, it sucks, but it has so many twists and turns it is somehow interesting. I just wonder how long it is going to last since the intro of the show says they can be there forever.

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