Wednesday, March 17, 2004

William Sung Not So Good

Ok, what is up with the world?? I have been thinking about writing about this whole new phenomenon taking over the nation, but haven't. Ok, we all know that you need to have some sort of talent or be good looking to be noticed in the media, but what is up with Will Hung?

When he came out on American Idol and sang and danced I watched. When the judges dogged him I felt bad. And when he said "I gave it my all" I said "ahhhhh", I was hooked. I was actually glad that he had gotten more that the maximum 15 minutes of fame allowed. But, this is out of control. A guy with zero looks and absolutely no talent has actually gotten a record deal. Has anyone heard him? The guy CAN NOT sing. At all! I think whoever gave him the deal is crazy, but whoever buys the CD will be insane.

On the other hand, I am glad that the underdog has gotten something from the man, but getting his hopes up? That is just mean!

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